The Law Center for Civil and Criminal Justice
Attorney Yusuf S. Olufemi
No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.

Eviction Attorney - The Law Center for Civil and Criminal Justice
Every day that passes when you have a tenant who has not paid the rent or is damaging property is a day of lost ncome. The decision to stop the loss lies with the Landlord. If you are a Private Landlord or if you manage property for a company, you need to have an attorney who is ready to take action when the TIME comes! Time is of the essence in Eviction Work.
The Law Center for Civil and Criminal Justice has expanded its practice to include eviction services for private and commercial landlords.
The services that The Law Center for Civil and Criminal Justice offers are reliable and we will work for an expedient eviction process. In addition, The Law Center will also work to recover money in unpaid rent and damages caused by the tenant.
If you represent management or you are a private landlord interested in discussing legal representation for eviction, please feel free to contact The Law Center for Civil and Criminal Justice